
Twenty-Two Publishing

Write Your Story, Write Your Legacy


Who is Patrice Sterling

Patrice Sterling is an award-winning best-selling author and publisher. She is the CEO of Patrice Sterling
Unlimited and Twenty-Two Publishing. She is a Sickle Cell Champion and Legislative Advocate,
empowering families to discover their voices, speak their truth, and invoke the power of self-advocacy.
Patrice appreciates the power of words and the ability to effect change. She encourages everyone,
including you, the reader, to unlock the most extraordinary story never told – yours.


Featured in many online media like Medium, CBS, FOX, NBC, Sickle Cell News and World Report, Nigeria,
and VoyageATL and LA; an authoritative speaker for radio shows & podcasts. Patrice resides in Northern
California with her family.

Why Should you choose Twenty-Two Publishing

You want to write your book, but you just don’t know how?

Twenty-two Publishing is here to help.

With award-winning bestselling work in book writing, Twenty-Two Publishing is a professional services
company that knows the pitfalls most writers face and have developed a streamlined process for taking
you from book idea to published book. We understand the challenge of wanting to share your story and
the hesitation that comes with it. Twenty-Two Publishing will partner with you every step of the way.

Let’s get started!

Twenty-Two Publishing Offerings


  • Up to 20,000 words + 10 photos
  • Up to 3 rounds of edits
  • Full Custom Cover design (Front & Back}
  • ISBN – Bar Code
  • Kindle conversion cover
  • E-book and paperback formatting (ask about hardcover)
  • Expanded Distribution
  • 10 marketing graphics
  • 10 free books – paperbck
  • Best Seller campaign


  • Up to 30,000 words + 15 photos
  • Up to 5 rounds of edits
  • Full Custom Cover design (Front & Back}
  • ISBN – Bar Code
  • Kindle conversion cover
  • E-book and paperback formatting (ask about hardcover)
  • Expanded Distribution
  • 15 marketing graphics
  • 15 free books – paperback
  • 1 Self-paced writing webinar
  • 1 Self-paced Marketing webinar
  • Best Seller campaign
  • Press Release


  • Up to 50,000 words + 20 photos
  • Up to 5 rounds of edits
  • Full Custom Cover design (Front & Back}
  • ISBN – Bar Code
  • Kindle conversion cover
  • E-book and paperback formatting (ask about hardcover)
  • Expanded Distribution
  • 25 marketing graphics
  • 20 free books – paperback
  • 1 Self-paced writing webinar
  • 1 Self-paced Marketing webinar
  • Best Seller campaign
  • Press Release
  • Billboard (run for 30 days)
  • T.V. Interview (streamed on Roku TV, Apple TV+, Amazon Fire TV)

Ala Carte Offerings

Press Release

TV Interview

Billboard (run for 30 days)
