Taking my Life Back – A Family’s Story of Triumph From Transplant to Transformation is the title of my new book. It chronicles the ups and downs our family endured as we supported our son to and through his bone marrow transplant journey. We are so grateful today to be able to say it was successful. Transplant is not an easy thing to endure. There are multiple hurdles just to get approved and just when you think it is your turn there is one more. However, with all of the hoops you jump through and all of the red, orange and blue tape you must cypher through it is still worth every moment when the end result is good. Our struggle to find help for his disease went on for eighteen years. There is no cure for Sickle Cell Disease and the research trials he qualified for were few in number with no bone marrow match in site. Finally, there was hope.
I write this blog to say that if we found help so can you. If you are struggling to get help with your child’s condition keep on pushing, continue to question the experts and don’t give up.
Take These Words to Heart.